How to give yourself mutations in nuclear throne together
How to give yourself mutations in nuclear throne together

how to give yourself mutations in nuclear throne together

Anecdotally, I've heard so many different players say they felt cheated that they were able to beat the first form by the skin of their teeth, only to find out it's the only ship in the game with multiple forms, and then they say "fuck that" and put the game down forever. They should warn you that the flagship cannot be taken down in a single fight or something. The last form is actually kind of a joke by comparison, but the first two forms are so fucked up that they'll be the ones to end your run before you ever see the final form.Īt the very least, the one change they could make is a dialogue change with your superior officers in the final sector. The drone DPS of the second form is totally absurd even when you have high amounts of shields and engine dodge. The max level cloaking of the first form of the boss wastes SO MUCH of your time while you're trying to punch through his shields. However, I've had a lot of fun, off-beat weapon/item builds in FTL where through my own gumption and quick thinking I get through all the sectors to the final boss, but the build is just not viable against all the BS that the final boss has access to. I mean, I backed the game on Kickstarter and have been fucking around with it since the backer beta, and I know of the ways you can cheese the final boss and have beaten it numerous times. I know this game was super popular on Steam, but I'm not really seeing I'm genuinely sort of surprised that when the Advanced Edition of FTL came out, they didn't overhaul the final boss, because it continues to feel like the one really cheap, unfair part of the game that the most players complain about. Now that this game is "out", what do you guys think? Based on Steam reviews and the overall HYPE I know I'm in the minority. The level number is a bit unusual, but I think the farthest I've made it was 3-2 (the boss that is a dog that spins around shooting lasers). Instead it feels like they made a twin stick shooter where you can die really fast, which is.alright? To tie it back to the difficulty aspect, it almost feels like the game is too hard based on the resources and drops they give you. I wish there was more of a draw to do another run when you die or more weapons or mutations to play around with. It might be unfair, but I wish this game was more like The Binding of Isaac. Putting aside the dying aspects, I don't really feel the hook. It's a shame, because I like Luftrausers, I like twin stick shooters, I like roguelikes, but I was expecting so much more from this game.

how to give yourself mutations in nuclear throne together

This game has had some of the best examples of truly bad rolls with roguelikes.ĭying itself isn't the only issue, since the thing that bums me out about this is when you do die, you have to start over at 1-1, listen to the same music, fight the same 5 enemies for three floors, fight the same boss, pick from the same weapons and mutations, and so on. Also with this example, a boss that shoots literally dozens of projectiles at you found me and then I died while trying to fight a boss and three snipers. In Nuclear Throne, it feels like a bad roll will lead you to spawning into a tiny room, with only one square to escape, and in the next room there is a swarm of guys followed by sniper like enemies.

how to give yourself mutations in nuclear throne together

I am a fan of games like FTL: Faster Than Light and The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth and I don't get hung up on the aspect of bad rolls, especially since it feels like there are clear lessons with a lot of the ways you die in those games. Sometimes it felt like I had 4 health, got shot by one single projectile and I died. Spending 10 minutes on a run and have it end in literally 2 seconds isn't that great of a feeling. I had amazing runs that were ended instantly, because I fired a grenade and I was too close to it and I died. At first, I was having fun with the game, but after maybe 20 runs or so a couple of things have been nagging me.Ī part of it is I think this game is too hard. So I picked up Nuclear Throne this weekend, when they finally said it was out/no longer in Early Access.

How to give yourself mutations in nuclear throne together